Curriculum vitae

General data


Born in Utrecht, the Netherlands (October 1963)

Lives in Lichtaart, Belgium

Married to Astrid with two children (Joep October 1998, Veerle January 2001)



Work address


Center for Culture, Conflict and Inequality (C3I)

Department of Sociology

Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Leuven

Parkstraat 45, box 3601

Office 02.135

3000 Leuven









September 1994

PhD sociology (highest honors), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


August 1989

MA sociology (highest honors), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


August 1984

Propaedeutics sociology (highest honors), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


August 1982

Gymnasium-ß, Dr. F.H. de Bruijne Lyceum, Utrecht, the Netherlands






October 2013 - present

Senior Full Professor of Sociology of Culture and Religion, University of Leuven, Belgium


October 2013 - present

Faculty fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology (CCS), Yale University, United States


February 2023 - July 2023

Visiting research fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology (CCS), Yale University, United States


September 2012 - September 2013

Visiting research fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology (CCS), Yale University, United States


June 2007 - October 2013

Professor of Cultural Sociology, Center for Rotterdam Cultural Sociology (CROCUS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


May 2005 - June 2007

Associate professor of sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


November 2003

Visiting professor of sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Marseille, France


January 2000 – March 2005

Assistant professor of sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


January 1996 – December 1999

Postdoc, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, enabled by an EUR Fellowship (Erasmus University) and a Person-Oriented Postdoc Fellowship (NWO)


January 1995 – August 1995

Visiting research fellow, University of Maryland at College Park, United States, enabled by a TALENT Fellowship (NWO)


September 1991 – December 1995

Research fellow, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, enabled by a PhD grant (NWO), followed by a TALENT-Fellowship (NWO)


September 1989 – August 1991

PhD student, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


September 1984 – August 1989

Teaching and research assistantships, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands